Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Girls Camp

I had the privilege of going to girl's camp this year which turned out to be one the most rewarding yet challenging experiences I have ever had. I have always HATED girl's camp growing up so I would would get really anxious at just the thought of attending as a leader. Since I was the only presidency member that was able to attend I had a lot responsibility on my shoulders which in a way made it a little easier for me since I really wasn't allowed to time to think about myself. In the end it was an incredible experience for me and the girls. We have amazing young woman in our ward and I really did learn and grow from them. I really had no intention of my hair looking so bad but by day 2 I just went with it and the girls enjoyed it.

Singing at flag ceremony
During our "5 mile" hike (it was really only 3 miles) and it was beautiful!

Confidence Course

Spa Day (I guess it is a tradition in this ward but we never did this growing up)
Dani and Kate's reaction to Dani's paper plate award "The Talking Shusher"
My paper plate award which I loved "Spunked out leader with the Spunked out hair"