So the other day Shad, out of nowhere, said, "I wanna go potty". Me, "um....ok?". So I pulled out the potty chair and put it in the bathroom next to the toilet and like he know what he was doing he just sat down, fully clothed, and said he was going potty. He then proceeded to tell me to go potty on the toilet, I obeyed in the hopes that maybe this was it! Well the next few hours were spent back and forth from the living room to the bathroom where he would "go potty" fully clothed. Needless to say it didn't really stick and he now only occasionally wants to sit on the potty. Oh well I know he will get it eventually and I don't want that stress so I will just wait until he is ready. Oh and the water on his pjs is just that water he we drinking.
Day 33
14 years ago
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