Growing up my mom always told me that she hated Mother's Day and this always upset me so much because I always tried so hard to make it such a wonderful day for her. Come to find out when I was older my mom told me that my dad said one year (when all the kids were still very little) "why do I have to do something for you, your not my mother" needless to say mom my straightened him out quick and he is one of the most loving supportive husbands I know. This story gave me some insight on what to expect for Mother's Day or should I say starting me dreading it. I do have an amazingly loving and supportive husband who did not feel the same as my dad however he is also a very hard working man so he often has to work on holidays including Mother's Day. Dan had some beautiful flowers sent to me to show his appreciation as well as let me buy my new bike trailer without having to lose the other 16 lbs needed to fulfill my part of the deal, but he has always said how much he loves me the way I am (that makes one of us).
Despite Dan's efforts it was a difficult day. I woke up early since I had to prepare a lesson, make breakfast for my sudo mom (my wonderful aunt Penny), get ready for church, start prep for dinner, and make some flower arrangements. When I woke up Dan was still up (he got home from work at 6am) and waiting for Shad to wake up so he could get him so that I could sleep in, what a wonderful gesture. Since I had to wake up anyway I sent him to bed. The rest of the day was rush rush rush, since church is not canceled for Mother's Day. When we got home from church it was straight to planning my Mother's Day meal because who else is going to do it. My wonderful husband was sleeping all day because he had to work again that night so I didn't get to see much of him, I was busier that normal since I had to plan things out for my mom while the rest of my siblings enjoyed their Mother's Day or were pampering their wives. I think that I need to just ignore Mother's Day altogether then maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.
Day 33
14 years ago
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