For a while now I have been looking for a double stroller that I like so I can take Shad and Cole for walks once the weather improves. I hated everything I found because they were either as long as a limo or as wide as a hippo and that just didnt seem enjoyable to me trying to maneuver that around. I was talking to Allissa one day about my dilemma and she told me about the stroller she had called a Phil and Teds so I started looking into it ans soon realized that such a nice stroller comes with a not so nice price, and the search began...the search for a good deal. I started looking on craigslist and ksl to see if I could find one used. I was looking in every city that I had family or friends that could pick the stroller up for me. After lots of searching I found a deal in Redding (a little over an hour north of Chico). The stroller she had she bought for $550 new and had only used it a couple time, I was sceptical that that was all that she used it and was worried that it would be in a worse condition than she described. The first day we were in Chico we drove up to Redding and she was not lying the stroller looked brand stinkin new like it was just taken out of the box SWEET!! And it gets better instead of having to pay $550 for a brand new stroller I got this one for only $325 and that included the double seat!! I used the stroller all weekend on our adventures and love it, I think I got more use out of it in that one weekend than the previous owner did the whole time she had it. At first I didnt love the color but I dont mind it now and it is difinitely worth the good deal I got on it.
Day 33
14 years ago
TOTAL SCORE! I am so excited for you. We just spent $60 on a Chicco Umbrella Stroller which isn't any where near as nice as that! We need to go on walks together now!
i would love to go on walks, I really want to go to the park and planned to the other day but when i woke up there was snow on the ground:( I hope the weather gets better soon
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