Dan and I wanted to start trying to have a baby early Oct of 2007 so that I wouldn't have the baby until my parents come home from China at the end of June. Dan had applied for a job with church security and when we found out that he didn't get the job we decided we would not try to get pregnant yet due to lack of health insurance, well little did we know it was to late. We found out that I was pregnant on Oct. 8 2007. It was a bit of a funny experience. I had been feeling a bit sick for a couple of weeks but didn't know what I was sick with. After the first couple weeks Dan said that he thought I was pregnant, I told him that I wasn't because I didn't feel nauseous (that is what I thought you were supposed to feel when you were pregnant). A week later I was waiting to have my period so that we could start timing it to know when I could get pregnant and I realized that I was already a week late. I of course got really excited thinking I could already be pregnant and pulled out an at home pregnancy test I had left over from a false alarm a while back. I took the test that morning and when the symbols came up I didn't know what to think because I had no idea what they meant because I had thrown all the packaging away. I rushed to the computer and pulled up the website to the brand of test in order to understand what it meant. I had a hard time deciding how to tell Dan, he was already gone for the day and I couldn't stand waiting all day so I decided to just call him (very boring I know). I was very excited to tell my parents who were already in China, but not at all anticipating telling them that they would probably miss the birth due to my poor planning. Pregnancy for me really wasn't that bad, I felt nauseous only a few times but never threw up. I had an aversion to most foods so find things to eat became very difficult I found myself often just eating cold cereal, bagels with cream cheese and lots of fruit, I only wish that my shrunken appetite stayed with me after delivery:) At 18 weeks we decided to find out the sex of the baby, I didn't care what it was and I pretty sure Dan made him a boy out of shear will power alone, and he was elated at the ultrasound. The rest of the pregnancy was pretty easy until about my 30th week when I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia also known as Toxemia.
Day 33
14 years ago
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