Yes it is true I have not posted in 6 months and I feel pathetic for it. I guess I have been super busy and just dont take enough time for me...big surprise.
Well the biggest news I have is that Dan and I are expecting in Feb! This came as a huge surprise especially since we had that discussion about a month prior to finding out and Dan gave me a big fat NOT YET. Well I guess it just goes to show that us wives get what we want. And in case you were thinking it, no I did not get pregnant on purpose. A few weeks ago (at 13 weeks) we went into the office of a friend and got an ultrasound. I was dying to find out that it was a girl so I could finally go shopping for this little one. Well I guess the Lord had something else in mind since he gave Shad a little brother instead of giving me multiple shopping trips. I was worried that I would be a bit disappointed but as soon as I saw his little picture I knew that he was who was meant to come into our family next. I am very much looking forward to watching Shad dote on his little baby brother and dreading all the trouble they will get into in the future.
I am so lucky to have an amazing husband like Dan. He has been self employed for about 6 months and business is picking up but when we found out I was pregnant he went out and picked up another job for health benefits so we could avoid the $7000 maternity deductible. He works so hard to keep us comfortable and me at home with our son.
So far pregnancy has not given me much trouble. The first trimester was pretty ugly with complete exhaustion (I dont remember this being the case but then again I was not chasing and cleaning up after a 3 year old) and constant nausea. But now that the first trimester is behind me I feel just fine except for the occasional crap, ache or pain.
Day 33
14 years ago